Branch pruning around IF function calls to avoid resolution of every branches
Calculation engine was resolving every function by first resolving its arguments including IFs, this was causing significant over evaluation when IFs were used as it meant for every case to be evaluated. Introduce elements to identify ifs and enable better branch resolution (pruning). We tag parsed tokens to associate a branch identifier to them. Closes #844
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- When <br> appears in a table cell, set the cell to wrap [Issue #1071]( and [PR #1070](
- Add MAXIFS, MINIFS, COUNTIFS and Remove MINIF, MAXIF - [Issue #1056](
- HLookup needs an ordered list even if range_lookup is set to false [Issue #1055]( and [PR #1076](
- Improve performance of IF function calls via ranch pruning to avoid resolution of every branches [#844](
### Fixed
@ -66,6 +66,15 @@ class Calculation
private $calculationCacheEnabled = true;
* Used to generate unique store keys.
* @var int
private $branchStoreKeyCounter = 0;
private $branchPruningEnabled = true;
* List of operators that can be used within formulae
* The true/false value indicates whether it is a binary operator or a unary operator.
@ -2256,6 +2265,7 @@ class Calculation
public function flushInstance()
@ -2399,6 +2409,32 @@ class Calculation
* Enable/disable calculation cache.
* @param bool $pValue
* @param mixed $enabled
public function setBranchPruningEnabled($enabled)
$this->branchPruningEnabled = $enabled;
public function enableBranchPruning()
public function disableBranchPruning()
public function clearBranchStore()
$this->branchStoreKeyCounter = 0;
* Get the currently defined locale code.
@ -2867,6 +2903,7 @@ class Calculation
if (($this->calculationCacheEnabled) && (isset($this->calculationCache[$cellReference]))) {
$this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Retrieving value for cell ', $cellReference, ' from cache');
// Return the cached result
$cellValue = $this->calculationCache[$cellReference];
return true;
@ -3326,9 +3363,53 @@ class Calculation
// - is a negation or + is a positive operator rather than an operation
$expectingOperand = false; // We use this test in syntax-checking the expression to determine whether an operand
// should be null in a function call
// IF branch pruning
// currently pending storeKey (last item of the storeKeysStack
$pendingStoreKey = null;
// stores a list of storeKeys (string[])
$pendingStoreKeysStack = [];
$expectingConditionMap = []; // ['storeKey' => true, ...]
$expectingThenMap = []; // ['storeKey' => true, ...]
$expectingElseMap = []; // ['storeKey' => true, ...]
$parenthesisDepthMap = []; // ['storeKey' => 4, ...]
// The guts of the lexical parser
// Loop through the formula extracting each operator and operand in turn
while (true) {
// Branch pruning: we adapt the output item to the context (it will
// be used to limit its computation)
$currentCondition = null;
$currentOnlyIf = null;
$currentOnlyIfNot = null;
$previousStoreKey = null;
$pendingStoreKey = end($pendingStoreKeysStack);
if ($this->branchPruningEnabled) {
// this is a condition ?
if (isset($expectingConditionMap[$pendingStoreKey]) && $expectingConditionMap[$pendingStoreKey]) {
$currentCondition = $pendingStoreKey;
$stackDepth = count($pendingStoreKeysStack);
if ($stackDepth > 1) { // nested if
$previousStoreKey = $pendingStoreKeysStack[$stackDepth - 2];
if (isset($expectingThenMap[$pendingStoreKey]) && $expectingThenMap[$pendingStoreKey]) {
$currentOnlyIf = $pendingStoreKey;
} elseif (isset($previousStoreKey)) {
if (isset($expectingThenMap[$previousStoreKey]) && $expectingThenMap[$previousStoreKey]) {
$currentOnlyIf = $previousStoreKey;
if (isset($expectingElseMap[$pendingStoreKey]) && $expectingElseMap[$pendingStoreKey]) {
$currentOnlyIfNot = $pendingStoreKey;
} elseif (isset($previousStoreKey)) {
if (isset($expectingElseMap[$previousStoreKey]) && $expectingElseMap[$previousStoreKey]) {
$currentOnlyIfNot = $previousStoreKey;
$opCharacter = $formula[$index]; // Get the first character of the value at the current index position
if ((isset(self::$comparisonOperators[$opCharacter])) && (strlen($formula) > $index) && (isset(self::$comparisonOperators[$formula[$index + 1]]))) {
$opCharacter .= $formula[++$index];
@ -3338,10 +3419,12 @@ class Calculation
$isOperandOrFunction = preg_match($regexpMatchString, substr($formula, $index), $match);
if ($opCharacter == '-' && !$expectingOperator) { // Is it a negation instead of a minus?
$stack->push('Unary Operator', '~'); // Put a negation on the stack
// Put a negation on the stack
$stack->push('Unary Operator', '~', null, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIfNot);
++$index; // and drop the negation symbol
} elseif ($opCharacter == '%' && $expectingOperator) {
$stack->push('Unary Operator', '%'); // Put a percentage on the stack
// Put a percentage on the stack
$stack->push('Unary Operator', '%', null, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIfNot);
} elseif ($opCharacter == '+' && !$expectingOperator) { // Positive (unary plus rather than binary operator plus) can be discarded?
++$index; // Drop the redundant plus symbol
@ -3354,7 +3437,10 @@ class Calculation
@(self::$operatorAssociativity[$opCharacter] ? self::$operatorPrecedence[$opCharacter] < self::$operatorPrecedence[$o2['value']] : self::$operatorPrecedence[$opCharacter] <= self::$operatorPrecedence[$o2['value']])) {
$output[] = $stack->pop(); // Swap operands and higher precedence operators from the stack to the output
$stack->push('Binary Operator', $opCharacter); // Finally put our current operator onto the stack
// Finally put our current operator onto the stack
$stack->push('Binary Operator', $opCharacter, null, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIfNot);
$expectingOperator = false;
} elseif ($opCharacter == ')' && $expectingOperator) { // Are we expecting to close a parenthesis?
@ -3366,7 +3452,29 @@ class Calculation
$output[] = $o2;
$d = $stack->last(2);
// Branch pruning we decrease the depth whether is it a function
// call or a parenthesis
if (!empty($pendingStoreKey)) {
$parenthesisDepthMap[$pendingStoreKey] -= 1;
if (preg_match('/^' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_FUNCTION . '$/i', $d['value'], $matches)) { // Did this parenthesis just close a function?
if (!empty($pendingStoreKey) && $parenthesisDepthMap[$pendingStoreKey] == -1) {
// we are closing an IF(
if ($d['value'] != 'IF(') {
return $this->raiseFormulaError('Parser bug we should be in an "IF("');
if ($expectingConditionMap[$pendingStoreKey]) {
return $this->raiseFormulaError('We should not be expecting a condition');
$expectingThenMap[$pendingStoreKey] = false;
$expectingElseMap[$pendingStoreKey] = false;
$parenthesisDepthMap[$pendingStoreKey] -= 1;
$functionName = $matches[1]; // Get the function name
$d = $stack->pop();
$argumentCount = $d['value']; // See how many arguments there were (argument count is the next value stored on the stack)
@ -3427,6 +3535,20 @@ class Calculation
} elseif ($opCharacter == ',') { // Is this the separator for function arguments?
if (!empty($pendingStoreKey) &&
$parenthesisDepthMap[$pendingStoreKey] == 0
) {
// We must go to the IF next argument
if ($expectingConditionMap[$pendingStoreKey]) {
$expectingConditionMap[$pendingStoreKey] = false;
$expectingThenMap[$pendingStoreKey] = true;
} elseif ($expectingThenMap[$pendingStoreKey]) {
$expectingThenMap[$pendingStoreKey] = false;
$expectingElseMap[$pendingStoreKey] = true;
} elseif ($expectingElseMap[$pendingStoreKey]) {
return $this->raiseFormulaError('Reaching fourth argument of an IF');
while (($o2 = $stack->pop()) && $o2['value'] != '(') { // Pop off the stack back to the last (
if ($o2 === null) {
return $this->raiseFormulaError('Formula Error: Unexpected ,');
@ -3444,13 +3566,19 @@ class Calculation
return $this->raiseFormulaError('Formula Error: Unexpected ,');
$d = $stack->pop();
$stack->push($d['type'], ++$d['value'], $d['reference']); // increment the argument count
$stack->push('Brace', '('); // put the ( back on, we'll need to pop back to it again
$itemStoreKey = $d['storeKey'] ?? null;
$itemOnlyIf = $d['onlyIf'] ?? null;
$itemOnlyIfNot = $d['onlyIfNot'] ?? null;
$stack->push($d['type'], ++$d['value'], $d['reference'], $itemStoreKey, $itemOnlyIf, $itemOnlyIfNot); // increment the argument count
$stack->push('Brace', '(', null, $itemStoreKey, $itemOnlyIf, $itemOnlyIfNot); // put the ( back on, we'll need to pop back to it again
$expectingOperator = false;
$expectingOperand = true;
} elseif ($opCharacter == '(' && !$expectingOperator) {
$stack->push('Brace', '(');
if (!empty($pendingStoreKey)) { // Branch pruning: we go deeper
$parenthesisDepthMap[$pendingStoreKey] += 1;
$stack->push('Brace', '(', null, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIf);
} elseif ($isOperandOrFunction && !$expectingOperator) { // do we now have a function/variable/number?
$expectingOperator = true;
@ -3461,13 +3589,29 @@ class Calculation
if (preg_match('/^' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_FUNCTION . '$/i', $val, $matches)) {
$val = preg_replace('/\s/u', '', $val);
if (isset(self::$phpSpreadsheetFunctions[strtoupper($matches[1])]) || isset(self::$controlFunctions[strtoupper($matches[1])])) { // it's a function
$stack->push('Function', strtoupper($val));
$valToUpper = strtoupper($val);
// here $matches[1] will contain values like "IF"
// and $val "IF("
$injectStoreKey = null;
if ($this->branchPruningEnabled && ($valToUpper == 'IF(')) { // we handle a new if
$pendingStoreKey = $this->getUnusedBranchStoreKey();
$pendingStoreKeysStack[] = $pendingStoreKey;
$expectingConditionMap[$pendingStoreKey] = true;
$parenthesisDepthMap[$pendingStoreKey] = 0;
} else { // this is not a if but we good deeper
if (!empty($pendingStoreKey) && array_key_exists($pendingStoreKey, $parenthesisDepthMap)) {
$parenthesisDepthMap[$pendingStoreKey] += 1;
$stack->push('Function', $valToUpper, null, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIfNot);
// tests if the function is closed right after opening
$ax = preg_match('/^\s*(\s*\))/ui', substr($formula, $index + $length), $amatch);
if ($ax) {
$stack->push('Operand Count for Function ' . strtoupper($val) . ')', 0);
$stack->push('Operand Count for Function ' . $valToUpper . ')', 0, null, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIfNot);
$expectingOperator = true;
} else {
$stack->push('Operand Count for Function ' . strtoupper($val) . ')', 1);
$stack->push('Operand Count for Function ' . $valToUpper . ')', 1, null, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIfNot);
$expectingOperator = false;
$stack->push('Brace', '(');
@ -3495,7 +3639,9 @@ class Calculation
$output[] = ['type' => 'Cell Reference', 'value' => $val, 'reference' => $val];
$outputItem = $stack->getStackItem('Cell Reference', $val, $val, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIfNot);
$output[] = $outputItem;
} else { // it's a variable, constant, string, number or boolean
// If the last entry on the stack was a : operator, then we may have a row or column range reference
$testPrevOp = $stack->last(1);
@ -3542,7 +3688,7 @@ class Calculation
} elseif (($localeConstant = array_search(trim(strtoupper($val)), self::$localeBoolean)) !== false) {
$val = self::$excelConstants[$localeConstant];
$details = ['type' => 'Value', 'value' => $val, 'reference' => null];
$details = $stack->getStackItem('Value', $val, null, $currentCondition, $currentOnlyIf, $currentOnlyIfNot);
if ($localeConstant) {
$details['localeValue'] = $localeConstant;
@ -3645,9 +3791,74 @@ class Calculation
$pCellParent = ($pCell !== null) ? $pCell->getParent() : null;
$stack = new Stack();
// Stores branches that have been pruned
$fakedForBranchPruning = [];
// help us to know when pruning ['branchTestId' => true/false]
$branchStore = [];
// Loop through each token in turn
foreach ($tokens as $tokenData) {
$token = $tokenData['value'];
// Branch pruning: skip useless resolutions
$storeKey = $tokenData['storeKey'] ?? null;
if ($this->branchPruningEnabled && isset($tokenData['onlyIf'])) {
$onlyIfStoreKey = $tokenData['onlyIf'];
$storeValue = $branchStore[$onlyIfStoreKey] ?? null;
if (is_array($storeValue)) {
$wrappedItem = end($storeValue);
$storeValue = end($wrappedItem);
if (isset($storeValue) && (($storeValue !== true)
|| ($storeValue === 'Pruned branch'))
) {
// If branching value is not true, we don't need to compute
if (!isset($fakedForBranchPruning['onlyIf-' . $onlyIfStoreKey])) {
$stack->push('Value', 'Pruned branch (only if ' . $onlyIfStoreKey . ') ' . $token);
$fakedForBranchPruning['onlyIf-' . $onlyIfStoreKey] = true;
if (isset($storeKey)) {
// We are processing an if condition
// We cascade the pruning to the depending branches
$branchStore[$storeKey] = 'Pruned branch';
$fakedForBranchPruning['onlyIfNot-' . $storeKey] = true;
$fakedForBranchPruning['onlyIf-' . $storeKey] = true;
if ($this->branchPruningEnabled && isset($tokenData['onlyIfNot'])) {
$onlyIfNotStoreKey = $tokenData['onlyIfNot'];
$storeValue = $branchStore[$onlyIfNotStoreKey] ?? null;
if (is_array($storeValue)) {
$wrappedItem = end($storeValue);
$storeValue = end($wrappedItem);
if (isset($storeValue) && ($storeValue
|| ($storeValue === 'Pruned branch'))
) {
// If branching value is true, we don't need to compute
if (!isset($fakedForBranchPruning['onlyIfNot-' . $onlyIfNotStoreKey])) {
$stack->push('Value', 'Pruned branch (only if not ' . $onlyIfNotStoreKey . ') ' . $token);
$fakedForBranchPruning['onlyIfNot-' . $onlyIfNotStoreKey] = true;
if (isset($storeKey)) {
// We are processing an if condition
// We cascade the pruning to the depending branches
$branchStore[$storeKey] = 'Pruned branch';
$fakedForBranchPruning['onlyIfNot-' . $storeKey] = true;
$fakedForBranchPruning['onlyIf-' . $storeKey] = true;
// if the token is a binary operator, pop the top two values off the stack, do the operation, and push the result back on the stack
if (isset(self::$binaryOperators[$token])) {
// We must have two operands, error if we don't
@ -3677,7 +3888,10 @@ class Calculation
case '<=': // Less than or Equal to
case '=': // Equality
case '<>': // Inequality
$this->executeBinaryComparisonOperation($cellID, $operand1, $operand2, $token, $stack);
$result = $this->executeBinaryComparisonOperation($cellID, $operand1, $operand2, $token, $stack);
if (isset($storeKey)) {
$branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
// Binary Operators
@ -3733,23 +3947,38 @@ class Calculation
case '+': // Addition
$this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $token, 'plusEquals', $stack);
$result = $this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $token, 'plusEquals', $stack);
if (isset($storeKey)) {
$branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
case '-': // Subtraction
$this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $token, 'minusEquals', $stack);
$result = $this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $token, 'minusEquals', $stack);
if (isset($storeKey)) {
$branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
case '*': // Multiplication
$this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $token, 'arrayTimesEquals', $stack);
$result = $this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $token, 'arrayTimesEquals', $stack);
if (isset($storeKey)) {
$branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
case '/': // Division
$this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $token, 'arrayRightDivide', $stack);
$result = $this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $token, 'arrayRightDivide', $stack);
if (isset($storeKey)) {
$branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
case '^': // Exponential
$this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $token, 'power', $stack);
$result = $this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $token, 'power', $stack);
if (isset($storeKey)) {
$branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
case '&': // Concatenation
@ -3782,6 +4011,10 @@ class Calculation
$this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result is ', $this->showTypeDetails($result));
$stack->push('Value', $result);
if (isset($storeKey)) {
$branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
case '|': // Intersect
$rowIntersect = array_intersect_key($operand1, $operand2);
@ -3826,6 +4059,9 @@ class Calculation
$this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result is ', $this->showTypeDetails($result));
$stack->push('Value', $result);
if (isset($storeKey)) {
$branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
} else {
$this->executeNumericBinaryOperation($multiplier, $arg, '*', 'arrayTimesEquals', $stack);
@ -3899,9 +4135,20 @@ class Calculation
$stack->push('Value', $cellValue, $cellRef);
if (isset($storeKey)) {
$branchStore[$storeKey] = $cellValue;
// if the token is a function, pop arguments off the stack, hand them to the function, and push the result back on
// if the token is a function, pop arguments off the stack, hand them to the function, and push the result back on
} elseif (preg_match('/^' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_FUNCTION . '$/i', $token, $matches)) {
if (($cellID == 'AC99') || (isset($pCell) && $pCell->getCoordinate() == 'AC99')) {
if (defined('RESOLVING')) {
define('RESOLVING2', true);
} else {
define('RESOLVING', true);
$functionName = $matches[1];
$argCount = $stack->pop();
$argCount = $argCount['value'];
@ -3944,6 +4191,7 @@ class Calculation
// Reverse the order of the arguments
@ -3974,16 +4222,25 @@ class Calculation
$this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result for ', self::localeFunc($functionName), '() function call is ', $this->showTypeDetails($result));
$stack->push('Value', self::wrapResult($result));
if (isset($storeKey)) {
$branchStore[$storeKey] = $result;
} else {
// if the token is a number, boolean, string or an Excel error, push it onto the stack
if (isset(self::$excelConstants[strtoupper($token)])) {
$excelConstant = strtoupper($token);
$stack->push('Constant Value', self::$excelConstants[$excelConstant]);
if (isset($storeKey)) {
$branchStore[$storeKey] = self::$excelConstants[$excelConstant];
$this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating Constant ', $excelConstant, ' as ', $this->showTypeDetails(self::$excelConstants[$excelConstant]));
} elseif ((is_numeric($token)) || ($token === null) || (is_bool($token)) || ($token == '') || ($token[0] == '"') || ($token[0] == '#')) {
$stack->push('Value', $token);
// if the token is a named range, push the named range name onto the stack
if (isset($storeKey)) {
$branchStore[$storeKey] = $token;
// if the token is a named range, push the named range name onto the stack
} elseif (preg_match('/^' . self::CALCULATION_REGEXP_NAMEDRANGE . '$/i', $token, $matches)) {
$namedRange = $matches[6];
$this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluating Named Range ', $namedRange);
@ -3992,6 +4249,9 @@ class Calculation
$this->debugLog->writeDebugLog('Evaluation Result for named range ', $namedRange, ' is ', $this->showTypeDetails($cellValue));
$stack->push('Named Range', $cellValue, $namedRange);
if (isset($storeKey)) {
$branchStore[$storeKey] = $cellValue;
} else {
return $this->raiseFormulaError("undefined variable '$token'");
@ -4053,7 +4313,7 @@ class Calculation
* @param Stack $stack
* @param bool $recursingArrays
* @return bool
* @return mixed
private function executeBinaryComparisonOperation($cellID, $operand1, $operand2, $operation, Stack &$stack, $recursingArrays = false)
@ -4090,7 +4350,7 @@ class Calculation
// And push the result onto the stack
$stack->push('Array', $result);
return true;
return $result;
// Simple validate the two operands if they are string values
@ -4180,7 +4440,7 @@ class Calculation
// And push the result onto the stack
$stack->push('Value', $result);
return true;
return $result;
@ -4206,7 +4466,7 @@ class Calculation
* @param string $matrixFunction
* @param mixed $stack
* @return bool
* @return bool|mixed
private function executeNumericBinaryOperation($operand1, $operand2, $operation, $matrixFunction, &$stack)
@ -4284,7 +4544,7 @@ class Calculation
// And push the result onto the stack
$stack->push('Value', $result);
return true;
return $result;
// trigger an error, but nicely, if need be
@ -4488,4 +4748,27 @@ class Calculation
return $args;
private function getUnusedBranchStoreKey()
$storeKeyValue = 'storeKey-' . $this->branchStoreKeyCounter;
return $storeKeyValue;
private function getTokensAsString($tokens)
$tokensStr = array_map(function ($token) {
$value = $token['value'] ?? 'no value';
while (is_array($value)) {
$value = array_pop($value);
return $value;
}, $tokens);
$str = '[ ' . implode(' | ', $tokensStr) . ' ]';
return $str;
@ -36,14 +36,24 @@ class Stack
* @param mixed $type
* @param mixed $value
* @param mixed $reference
* @param null|string $storeKey will store the result under this alias
* @param null|string $onlyIf will only run computation if the matching
* store key is true
* @param null|string $onlyIfNot will only run computation if the matching
* store key is false
public function push($type, $value, $reference = null)
$this->stack[$this->count++] = [
'type' => $type,
'value' => $value,
'reference' => $reference,
public function push(
$reference = null,
$storeKey = null,
$onlyIf = null,
$onlyIfNot = null
) {
$stackItem = $this->getStackItem($type, $value, $reference, $storeKey, $onlyIf, $onlyIfNot);
$this->stack[$this->count++] = $stackItem;
if ($type == 'Function') {
$localeFunction = Calculation::localeFunc($value);
if ($localeFunction != $value) {
@ -52,6 +62,35 @@ class Stack
public function getStackItem(
$reference = null,
$storeKey = null,
$onlyIf = null,
$onlyIfNot = null
) {
$stackItem = [
'type' => $type,
'value' => $value,
'reference' => $reference,
if (isset($storeKey)) {
$stackItem['storeKey'] = $storeKey;
if (isset($onlyIf)) {
$stackItem['onlyIf'] = $onlyIf;
if (isset($onlyIfNot)) {
$stackItem['onlyIfNot'] = $onlyIfNot;
return $stackItem;
* Pop the last entry from the stack.
@ -90,4 +129,21 @@ class Stack
$this->stack = [];
$this->count = 0;
public function __toString()
$str = 'Stack: ';
foreach ($this->stack as $index => $item) {
if ($index > $this->count - 1) {
$value = $item['value'] ?? 'no value';
while (is_array($value)) {
$value = array_pop($value);
$str .= $value . ' |> ';
return $str;
@ -163,4 +163,179 @@ class CalculationTest extends TestCase
self::assertEquals("=cmd|'/C calc'!A0", $cell->getCalculatedValue());
public function testBranchPruningFormulaParsingSimpleCase()
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$calculation->flushInstance(); // resets the ids
// Very simple formula
$formula = '=IF(A1="please +",B1)';
$tokens = $calculation->parseFormula($formula);
$foundEqualAssociatedToStoreKey = false;
$foundConditionalOnB1 = false;
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$isBinaryOperator = $token['type'] == 'Binary Operator';
$isEqual = $token['value'] == '=';
$correctStoreKey = ($token['storeKey'] ?? '') == 'storeKey-0';
$correctOnlyIf = ($token['onlyIf'] ?? '') == 'storeKey-0';
$isB1Reference = ($token['reference'] ?? '') == 'B1';
$foundEqualAssociatedToStoreKey = $foundEqualAssociatedToStoreKey ||
($isBinaryOperator && $isEqual && $correctStoreKey);
$foundConditionalOnB1 = $foundConditionalOnB1 ||
($isB1Reference && $correctOnlyIf);
public function testBranchPruningFormulaParsingMultipleIfsCase()
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$calculation->flushInstance(); // resets the ids
// Internal operation
$formula = '=IF(A1="please +",SUM(B1:B3))+IF(A2="please *",PRODUCT(C1:C3), C1)';
$tokens = $calculation->parseFormula($formula);
$plusGotTagged = false;
$productFunctionCorrectlyTagged = false;
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$isBinaryOperator = $token['type'] == 'Binary Operator';
$isPlus = $token['value'] == '+';
$anyStoreKey = isset($token['storeKey']);
$anyOnlyIf = isset($token['onlyIf']);
$anyOnlyIfNot = isset($token['onlyIfNot']);
$plusGotTagged = $plusGotTagged ||
($isBinaryOperator && $isPlus &&
($anyStoreKey || $anyOnlyIfNot || $anyOnlyIf));
$isFunction = $token['type'] == 'Function';
$isProductFunction = $token['value'] == 'PRODUCT(';
$correctOnlyIf = ($token['onlyIf'] ?? '') == 'storeKey-1';
$productFunctionCorrectlyTagged = $productFunctionCorrectlyTagged || ($isFunction && $isProductFunction && $correctOnlyIf);
$this->assertFalse($plusGotTagged, 'chaining IF( should not affect the external operators');
$this->assertTrue($productFunctionCorrectlyTagged, 'function nested inside if should be tagged to be processed only if parent branching requires it');
public function testBranchPruningFormulaParingNestedIfCase()
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$calculation->flushInstance(); // resets the ids
$formula = '=IF(A1="please +",SUM(B1:B3),1+IF(NOT(A2="please *"),C2-C1,PRODUCT(C1:C3)))';
$tokens = $calculation->parseFormula($formula);
$plusCorrectlyTagged = false;
$productFunctionCorrectlyTagged = false;
$notFunctionCorrectlyTagged = false;
$findOneOperandCountTagged = false;
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$value = $token['value'];
$isPlus = $value == '+';
$isProductFunction = $value == 'PRODUCT(';
$isNotFunction = $value == 'NOT(';
$isIfOperand = $token['type'] == 'Operand Count for Function IF()';
$isOnlyIfNotDepth1 = (array_key_exists('onlyIfNot', $token) ? $token['onlyIfNot'] : null) == 'storeKey-1';
$isStoreKeyDepth1 = (array_key_exists('storeKey', $token) ? $token['storeKey'] : null) == 'storeKey-1';
$isOnlyIfNotDepth0 = (array_key_exists('onlyIfNot', $token) ? $token['onlyIfNot'] : null) == 'storeKey-0';
$plusCorrectlyTagged = $plusCorrectlyTagged || ($isPlus && $isOnlyIfNotDepth0);
$notFunctionCorrectlyTagged = $notFunctionCorrectlyTagged || ($isNotFunction && $isOnlyIfNotDepth0 && $isStoreKeyDepth1);
$productFunctionCorrectlyTagged = $productFunctionCorrectlyTagged || ($isProductFunction && $isOnlyIfNotDepth1 && !$isStoreKeyDepth1 && !$isOnlyIfNotDepth0);
$findOneOperandCountTagged = $findOneOperandCountTagged || ($isIfOperand && $isOnlyIfNotDepth0);
public function testBranchPruningFormulaParsingNoArgumentFunctionCase()
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$calculation->flushInstance(); // resets the ids
$formula = '=IF(AND(TRUE(),A1="please +"),2,3)';
// this used to raise a parser error, we keep it even though we don't
// test the output
public function testBranchPruningFormulaParsingInequalitiesConditionsCase()
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance();
$calculation->flushInstance(); // resets the ids
$formula = '=IF(A1="flag",IF(A2<10, 0) + IF(A3<10000, 0))';
$tokens = $calculation->parseFormula($formula);
$properlyTaggedPlus = false;
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
$isPlus = $token['value'] === '+';
$hasOnlyIf = !empty($token['onlyIf']);
$properlyTaggedPlus = $properlyTaggedPlus ||
($isPlus && $hasOnlyIf);
* @param $expectedResult
* @param $dataArray
* @param string $formula
* @param string $cellCoordinates where to put the formula
* @param string[] $shouldBeSetInCacheCells coordinates of cells that must
* be set in cache
* @param string[] $shouldNotBeSetInCacheCells coordinates of cells that must
* not be set in cache because of pruning
* @throws \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception
* @dataProvider dataProviderBranchPruningFullExecution
public function testFullExecution(
$shouldBeSetInCacheCells = [],
$shouldNotBeSetInCacheCells = []
) {
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
$sheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$cell = $sheet->getCell($cellCoordinates);
$calculation = Calculation::getInstance($cell->getWorksheet()->getParent());
$calculated = $cell->getCalculatedValue();
$this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $calculated);
// this mostly to ensure that at least some cells are cached
foreach ($shouldBeSetInCacheCells as $setCell) {
$calculation->getValueFromCache('Worksheet!' . $setCell, $inCache);
foreach ($shouldNotBeSetInCacheCells as $notSetCell) {
$calculation->getValueFromCache('Worksheet!' . $notSetCell, $inCache);
$calculated = $cell->getCalculatedValue();
$this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $calculated);
public function dataProviderBranchPruningFullExecution()
return require 'data/Calculation/Calculation.php';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
function calculationTestDataGenerator()
$dataArray1 = [
['please +', 'please *', 'increment'],
[1, 1, 1], // sum is 3
[3, 3, 3], // product is 27
$set0 = [3, $dataArray1, '=IF(A1="please +", SUM(A2:C2), 2)', 'E5'];
$set1 = [3, $dataArray1, '=IF(TRUE(), SUM(A2:C2), 2)', 'E5'];
$formula1 = '=IF(A1="please +",SUM(A2:C2),7 + IF(B1="please *", 4, 2))';
$set2 = [3, $dataArray1, $formula1, 'E5'];
$originalDataArray = $dataArray1;
$dataArray1[0][0] = 'not please + something else';
$set3 = [11, $dataArray1, $formula1, 'E5'];
$dataArray2 = [
['flag1', 'flag2', 'flag3', 'flag1'],
[1, 2, 3, 4],
[5, 6, 7, 8],
$set4 = [3, $dataArray2, '=IF($A$1=$B$1,A2,IF($A$1=$C$1,B2,IF($A$1=$D$1,C2,C3)))', 'E5'];
$dataArray2[0][0] = 'flag3';
$set5 = [2, $dataArray2, '=IF(A1=B1,A2,IF(A1=C1,B2,IF(A1=D1,C2,C3)))', 'E5'];
$dataArray3 = [
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9],
$set6 = [0, $dataArray3, '=IF(A1+B1>3,C1,0)', 'E5'];
$dataArray4 = [
['noflag', 0, 0],
[127000, 0, 0],
[ 10000, 0.03, 0],
[ 20000, 0.06, 0],
[ 40000, 0.09, 0],
[ 70000, 0.12, 0],
[ 90000, 0.03, 0]
$formula2 = '=IF(A1="flag",IF(A2<10, 0) + IF(A3<10000, 0))';
$set7 = [false, $dataArray4, $formula2, 'E5'];
$dataArray5 = [
[1, 2],
[3, 4],
['=A1+A2', '=SUM(B1:B2)'],
[ 'take A', 0]
$formula3 = '=IF(A4="take A", A3, B3)';
$set8 = [4, $dataArray5, $formula3, 'E5', ['A3'], ['B3']];
return [$set0, $set1, $set2, $set3, $set4, $set5, $set6, $set7, $set8];
return calculationTestDataGenerator();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user