PHPExcel Reader Example #15
Reading a Large CSV file in "Chunks" to split across multiple Worksheets
_startRow = $startRow;
$this->_endRow = $startRow + $chunkSize;
public function readCell($column, $row, $worksheetName = '') {
// Only read the heading row, and the rows that are configured in $this->_startRow and $this->_endRow
if (($row == 1) || ($row >= $this->_startRow && $row < $this->_endRow)) {
return true;
return false;
echo 'Loading file ',pathinfo($inputFileName,PATHINFO_BASENAME),' using IOFactory with a defined reader type of ',$inputFileType,'
/** Create a new Reader of the type defined in $inputFileType **/
$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($inputFileType);
echo '
/** Define how many rows we want to read for each "chunk" **/
$chunkSize = 100;
/** Create a new Instance of our Read Filter **/
$chunkFilter = new chunkReadFilter();
/** Tell the Reader that we want to use the Read Filter that we've Instantiated **/
/** and that we want to store it in contiguous rows/columns **/
/** Instantiate a new PHPExcel object manually **/
$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
/** Set a sheet index **/
$sheet = 0;
/** Loop to read our worksheet in "chunk size" blocks **/
/** $startRow is set to 2 initially because we always read the headings in row #1 **/
for ($startRow = 2; $startRow <= 240; $startRow += $chunkSize) {
echo 'Loading WorkSheet #',($sheet+1),' using configurable filter for headings row 1 and for rows ',$startRow,' to ',($startRow+$chunkSize-1),'
/** Tell the Read Filter, the limits on which rows we want to read this iteration **/
/** Increment the worksheet index pointer for the Reader **/
/** Load only the rows that match our filter into a new worksheet in the PHPExcel Object **/
/** Set the worksheet title (to reference the "sheet" of data that we've loaded) **/
/** and increment the sheet index as well **/
$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setTitle('Country Data #'.(++$sheet));
echo '
echo $objPHPExcel->getSheetCount(),' worksheet',(($objPHPExcel->getSheetCount() == 1) ? '' : 's'),' loaded
$loadedSheetNames = $objPHPExcel->getSheetNames();
foreach($loadedSheetNames as $sheetIndex => $loadedSheetName) {
echo 'Worksheet #',$sheetIndex,' -> ',$loadedSheetName,'
$sheetData = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->toArray(null,false,false,true);
echo '