PhpSpreadsheet Reading WorkBook Data Example #04

Get a List of the Worksheets in a WorkBook

load($inputFileName); echo '
'; echo 'Reading the number of Worksheets in the WorkBook
'; /* Use the PhpSpreadsheet object's getSheetCount() method to get a count of the number of WorkSheets in the WorkBook */ $sheetCount = $spreadsheet->getSheetCount(); echo 'There ', (($sheetCount == 1) ? 'is' : 'are'), ' ', $sheetCount, ' WorkSheet', (($sheetCount == 1) ? '' : 's'), ' in the WorkBook

'; echo 'Reading the names of Worksheets in the WorkBook
'; /* Use the PhpSpreadsheet object's getSheetNames() method to get an array listing the names/titles of the WorkSheets in the WorkBook */ $sheetNames = $spreadsheet->getSheetNames(); foreach ($sheetNames as $sheetIndex => $sheetName) { echo 'WorkSheet #', $sheetIndex, ' is named "', $sheetName, '"
'; } ?>