getMessage(), 'Column string index can not be longer than 3 characters'); return; } $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised.'); } public function testColumnIndexFromStringTooShort() { $cellAddress = ''; try { Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($cellAddress); } catch (\Exception $e) { self::assertInstanceOf(Exception::class, $e); self::assertEquals($e->getMessage(), 'Column string index can not be empty'); return; } $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised.'); } /** * @dataProvider providerColumnIndex * * @param mixed $expectedResult */ public function testStringFromColumnIndex($expectedResult, ...$args) { $result = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex(...$args); self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result); } public function providerColumnIndex() { return require 'data/ColumnIndex.php'; } /** * @dataProvider providerCoordinates * * @param mixed $expectedResult */ public function testCoordinateFromString($expectedResult, ...$args) { $result = Coordinate::coordinateFromString(...$args); self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result); } public function providerCoordinates() { return require 'data/CellCoordinates.php'; } public function testCoordinateFromStringWithRangeAddress() { $cellAddress = 'A1:AI2012'; try { Coordinate::coordinateFromString($cellAddress); } catch (\Exception $e) { self::assertInstanceOf(Exception::class, $e); self::assertEquals($e->getMessage(), 'Cell coordinate string can not be a range of cells'); return; } $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised.'); } public function testCoordinateFromStringWithEmptyAddress() { $cellAddress = ''; try { Coordinate::coordinateFromString($cellAddress); } catch (\Exception $e) { self::assertInstanceOf(Exception::class, $e); self::assertEquals($e->getMessage(), 'Cell coordinate can not be zero-length string'); return; } $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised.'); } public function testCoordinateFromStringWithInvalidAddress() { $cellAddress = 'AI'; try { Coordinate::coordinateFromString($cellAddress); } catch (\Exception $e) { self::assertInstanceOf(Exception::class, $e); self::assertEquals($e->getMessage(), 'Invalid cell coordinate ' . $cellAddress); return; } $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised.'); } /** * @dataProvider providerAbsoluteCoordinates * * @param mixed $expectedResult */ public function testAbsoluteCoordinateFromString($expectedResult, ...$args) { $result = Coordinate::absoluteCoordinate(...$args); self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result); } public function providerAbsoluteCoordinates() { return require 'data/CellAbsoluteCoordinate.php'; } public function testAbsoluteCoordinateFromStringWithRangeAddress() { $cellAddress = 'A1:AI2012'; try { Coordinate::absoluteCoordinate($cellAddress); } catch (\Exception $e) { self::assertInstanceOf(Exception::class, $e); self::assertEquals($e->getMessage(), 'Cell coordinate string can not be a range of cells'); return; } $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised.'); } /** * @dataProvider providerAbsoluteReferences * * @param mixed $expectedResult */ public function testAbsoluteReferenceFromString($expectedResult, ...$args) { $result = Coordinate::absoluteReference(...$args); self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result); } public function providerAbsoluteReferences() { return require 'data/CellAbsoluteReference.php'; } public function testAbsoluteReferenceFromStringWithRangeAddress() { $cellAddress = 'A1:AI2012'; try { Coordinate::absoluteReference($cellAddress); } catch (\Exception $e) { self::assertInstanceOf(Exception::class, $e); self::assertEquals($e->getMessage(), 'Cell coordinate string can not be a range of cells'); return; } $this->fail('An expected exception has not been raised.'); } /** * @dataProvider providerSplitRange * * @param mixed $expectedResult */ public function testSplitRange($expectedResult, ...$args) { $result = Coordinate::splitRange(...$args); foreach ($result as $key => $split) { if (!is_array($expectedResult[$key])) { self::assertEquals($expectedResult[$key], $split[0]); } else { self::assertEquals($expectedResult[$key], $split); } } } public function providerSplitRange() { return require 'data/CellSplitRange.php'; } /** * @dataProvider providerBuildRange * * @param mixed $expectedResult */ public function testBuildRange($expectedResult, ...$args) { $result = Coordinate::buildRange(...$args); self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result); } public function providerBuildRange() { return require 'data/CellBuildRange.php'; } /** * @expectedException \TypeError */ public function testBuildRangeInvalid() { if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION < 7) { $this->markTestSkipped('Cannot catch type hinting error with PHP 5.6'); } $cellRange = ''; Coordinate::buildRange($cellRange); } /** * @dataProvider providerRangeBoundaries * * @param mixed $expectedResult */ public function testRangeBoundaries($expectedResult, ...$args) { $result = Coordinate::rangeBoundaries(...$args); self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result); } public function providerRangeBoundaries() { return require 'data/CellRangeBoundaries.php'; } /** * @dataProvider providerRangeDimension * * @param mixed $expectedResult */ public function testRangeDimension($expectedResult, ...$args) { $result = Coordinate::rangeDimension(...$args); self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result); } public function providerRangeDimension() { return require 'data/CellRangeDimension.php'; } /** * @dataProvider providerGetRangeBoundaries * * @param mixed $expectedResult */ public function testGetRangeBoundaries($expectedResult, ...$args) { $result = Coordinate::getRangeBoundaries(...$args); self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result); } public function providerGetRangeBoundaries() { return require 'data/CellGetRangeBoundaries.php'; } /** * @dataProvider providerExtractAllCellReferencesInRange * * @param mixed $expectedResult */ public function testExtractAllCellReferencesInRange($expectedResult, ...$args) { $result = Coordinate::extractAllCellReferencesInRange(...$args); self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result); } public function providerExtractAllCellReferencesInRange() { return require 'data/CellExtractAllCellReferencesInRange.php'; } /** * @dataProvider providerMergeRangesInCollection * * @param mixed $expectedResult */ public function testMergeRangesInCollection($expectedResult, ...$args) { $result = Coordinate::mergeRangesInCollection(...$args); self::assertEquals($expectedResult, $result); } public function providerMergeRangesInCollection() { return require 'data/CellMergeRangesInCollection.php'; } }