All code for unit tests is now under the `PhpSpreadsheet\Tests` namespace which is autoloaded via composer mechanism. So there is no need for `require()` anymore. Also, tests were moved in `tests/` folder and phpunit should be executed from the project root folder. This is to conform to the de facto standard, notably in use in phpunit itself.
19 lines
885 B
19 lines
885 B
"12.34+5.67j", 2, "120.1267+139.9356j"
"12.34+5.67j", 3, "688.928626+2407.923693j"
"12.34+5.67j", -1, "6.69108496973016E-002-3.07442883131037E-002j"
"12.34+5.67j", -2, "3.53185054333564E-003-4.11425290873718E-003j"
"12.34+5.67j", 0.5, "3.60002071031685+0.787495469644252j"
"12.34+5.67j", -0.25, "0.517904976730581-5.59833234375533E-002j"
"12.34+5.67j", 0, "1"
"-i", 2, "-1-1.34451369308841E-014i"
"1-i", 2, "1.22460635382238E-016-2i"
"2.5i", 2, "-6.25+8.40321058180257E-014i"
"2.5i", "2.5", "-6.98771242968685-6.98771242968684i"
"2.5i", "2.5i", "#VALUE!"
"2.5", "2.5", 9.88211768802619
"2", "2", 4
"-12.34-5.67i", "-12.34", "-4.69972844488573E-15+9.35464904349343E-15i"
"12.34-5.67i", "-12.34", "5.93343000067521E-15-8.62503997728057E-15i"
"-12.34-5.67i", "12.34", "-42881944468901.9-85355046682682.3i"
"12.34-5.67i", "12.34", "54138663282971.3+78697841733874.3i"